
Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘From democratic resilience to democratic security: A post-2024 democracy agenda for the EU’, Study, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (upcoming)

Sophie Pornschlegel (ed.), “More diverse than united? A comparative analysis of the 2024 EU elections”, Report, Das Progressive Zentrum (upcoming)

Pascal Lamy, Geneviève Pons, Sophie Pornschlegel, Cláudia Azevedo, ‘Green horizons: Strengthening the EU’s green diplomatic agenda’, Discussion Paper, Europe Jacques Delors, 2024

Sophie Pornschlegel, 'Am Ende der gewohnten Ordnung: Warum wir Macht neu denken müssen', Book, Droemer Knaur, 2023

Sophie Pornschlegel, 'EU support for Ukrainian civil society' , Policy Brief, European Liberal Forum, May 2023

Sophie Pornschlegel and Fabian Zuleeg, ‘European think tanks: Time for transnational cooperation’, Think Piece, European Policy Centre, Nov 2022

Sophie Pornschlegel and Clara Sophie Cramer, ‘No power without values: Why the EU needs to embrace political leadership if it wants to safeguard democracy’, Think Piece, European Policy Centre, November 2022

Sophie Pornschlegel and Ilke Toygür, ‘After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Unity is good, but ambition is better’ , Discussion paper, European Policy Centre, June 2022

Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘Was die neue Bundesregierung nun tun muss’ , Essay, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), November 2021

Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘The EU is more than a single market - why we need a more comprehensive approach towards democracy in the EU', Contribution to the lecture series ‘Living Democracy!’, Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung, September 2021

Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘Solidarity in the EU: More hype than substance?’, Discussion Paper, European Policy Centre, July 2021

Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘Countering shrinking spaces: Recommendations to support EU civil society’, Discussion Paper, European Policy Centre, June 2020

Sophie Pornschlegel and Paul Jürgensen, ‘Brücken bauen für die Demokratie: zum Verhältnis von Parteien und Zivilgesellschaft‘, Study, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, June 2020

Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘Les dilemmes de la social-démocratie allemande : Entre néo-conservatisme et rétro-socialisme’, Essay, Le Débat, June 2020

Sophie Pornschlegel and Paul Jürgensen, ‘Trying Times – Rethinking Social Cohesion’, Conference Study, Bertelsmann Stiftung, September 2019

Sophie Pornschlegel and Maria Skóra,‘The European Election 2019: A comparative outlook at the European election campaigns in France, Germany and Poland’, Discussion Paper, Das Progressive Zentrum, July 2019


Jonathan Barth & Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘Die deutsche Wirtschaft lässt sich nur europäisch retten’, Zeit Online, May 2024

Sophie Pornschlegel,‘The EU should not turn a blind eye to Putinist methods at home’, Opinion piece, Euractiv, March 2022

Sophie Pornschlegel, "Eine Wahl Marine le Pens wäre schlimmer als Trump", Opinion piece, Tagesspiegel, April 2022

Sophie Pornschlegel and Susanne Zels, ‘Politische Bildung in Europa: Kämpft für mehr Gemeinsamkeit!‘, Opinion piece, ZEIT Online, September 2021

Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘Europäische Identität: Ein Phänomen der deutschen Oberschicht’, Commentary, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, July 2021

Sophie Pornschlegel, ‘Don’t sacrifice democracy on the altar of public health’, Commentary, European Policy Centre, April 2020

Sophie Pornschlegel, 'Schluss mit Stagnation! Plädoyer für junge Politik', Essay, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, September 2017


Regular commentator for German radio and TV (ARD, ZDF, Phoenix, Deutschlandfunk Kultur,) French TV and online (France24, FranceInfo) and Austrian public broadcaster ORF.

Interviews and bylines for international media outlets, e.g. BBC World News, BBC Business Report, BBC The Context, New York Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera,, FranceInfo, ZDF - Maybrit Illner, ARD – Tagesschau.