Europe jacques delors | director of studies

Sophie is currently working at the Director of Studies for Europe Jacques Delors, the third tink tank created by the former Commission President besides the Institut Jacques Delors in Paris and the Jacques Delors Centre in Berlin. The think tank focuses on EU sustainability policies and how to “green” different EU policy fields.


Sophie is currently writing a book on political power with German publishing house Droemer Knaur. The non-fiction book will be published in autumn 2023 in bookstores in Germany.

Charlemagne Prize academy | research fellow

Sophie was awarded one of the five 2020/2021 fellowships of the Charlemagne Prize Academy in Aachen. Her research focuses on EU solidarity in the COVID-19 crisis. The European Policy Centre in Brussels is the hosting institution.


Sophie is Senior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre, working on EU institutions, the rule of law and Franco-German relations. She has been managing the Connecting Europe project in cooperation with Stiftung Mercator for over three years, which connects over 40+ CSOs with EU decision-makers; and developing several other projects, such as “Project Presidency” to follow the EU Council Presidencies; or a project on civic cohesion, funded by Civitates.


Since November 2020, Sophie is a Policy Fellow with the Berlin-based think tank Das Progressive Zentrum, where she focuses on German EU Policy, the future of democracy and social cohesion. She worked there beforehand as a full-time employee from 2017-2019. She lead several projects, amongst others the Democracy Lab and the Innocracy Conference, and headed a working group in the Daring New Spaces project.

POLIS180 | Member of the board

Sophie was part of the team which helped established the young grassroots think tank in in Berlin. From 2015-2019, I held a number of positions, starting as head of the “Schengen project team” to organise a first big conference of the think tank on the future of Schengen . She then joined the executive board to coordinate the 5 programmes and to support the strategic coordination, before co-founding a programme area on EU-UK relations. She was also the coordinator for the international network of Polis180 with its sister think tank “foraus” in Switzerland and other partner think tanks in Europe.


Sophie contributed to a podcast set up by two journalists on the migration crisis from 2015-2017. This podcast had as a goal to inform and discuss ongoing events on immigration, integration and identity questions at the time.